Wouldn’t it be nice if submissions had tracking numbers? Could you imagine how much fun it would be for the stalker in all of us to find a nice little eighteen digit number with every “Your submission has been received” email? Then instead of checking our inboxes, voicemail, and spam folder—’cause, hey, you never know …
Category Archive: Query Letter
Houston, We Have Liftoff!
Well, it’s been a crazy busy week. I won’t bother with a recap since all of that stuff was in my last post. So I’ll just get to the good stuff… I just received an email from an agent requesting a partial!! Whoo to the Hoo! I know this is just a first step in …
Moving On…
…or forward, but never backward. I’ve sent my query out to three new agents. Three seems like a reasonable and manageable number to me. So, it’s out in the world again and now it’s time for me to sit tight, cross my fingers and toes, say a little pray. Hopefully I’ll hear positive responses soon, …
And…Done. Again.
I think I’ve finally finished the revisions I started based off of both the critique I got from my RWA chapter members and also from the Agent that read my ms. Whew! That was a huge job!! I went into these revisions with a clear idea of what needed to be changed, added, deleted, scenes …
The Waiting Game and Moving Forward
Tick, tock. Check my inbox. Nope, nada… Tick, tock. Check my inbox. Nope, nothing… Twiddle my fingers, twirl my hair, check my inbox. Nothing. Dammit! Wait is hard. It sucks. I’m not good at waiting. I never have been honestly. I’m one of those people that decides something, then I want it to be. I …
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