Well, it’s been a crazy busy week. I won’t bother with a recap since all of that stuff was in my last post. So I’ll just get to the good stuff…
I just received an email from an agent requesting a partial!! Whoo to the Hoo! I know this is just a first step in a series of many, but it’s wonderful news.
This validates two things for me. One, my story concept isn’t total crap. This agent thinks it sounds promising. That means other agents will think so too. So, even it this one doesn’t end up being The One, I am confident that there will be others who will be interested in what I have to offer. Two, my query letter isn’t total crap. It conveyed my concept in a way that made my novel enticing enough to request the partial.
By my score sheet, this is a huge success and definitely a step in the right direction on my way to becoming published! Happy Friday!
9 pings
Wendy Marcus says:
September 25, 2010 at 10:38 am (UTC -5 )
Hi Heather!
Wendy Marcus says:
September 25, 2010 at 10:38 am (UTC -5 )
Don’t know what I did but my post should go on to read….
….news. Good luck!
charmainegordon says:
September 25, 2010 at 10:42 am (UTC -5 )
and a hearty Yee Haw, not only for the partial request but for your attitude. It’s a you go, girl moment. I never say that. Oops. I just did. Keep writing querying and loving life-every golden moment. It’s what we have.
hthurmeier says:
September 25, 2010 at 3:29 pm (UTC -5 )
Thanks Wendy and Charmaine! I’m so excited!!!
Janet Walters says:
September 25, 2010 at 6:26 pm (UTC -5 )
Heather, I’ll cross my fingers, toes and eyes for good luck to you
Shoshanna Evers says:
September 25, 2010 at 7:28 pm (UTC -5 )
Congrats Heather! This is wonderful news, and you’re right – getting a request for a partial means your query letter and your story concept are good. Whoo hoo!
Taryn Kincaid says:
September 27, 2010 at 7:12 am (UTC -5 )
Congrats! Best of luck with it!
Yolanda says:
September 27, 2010 at 8:58 pm (UTC -5 )
Great news! Fingers crossed and keep us posted!
hthurmeier says:
September 30, 2010 at 5:29 pm (UTC -5 )
Thanks everyone! The excitement has started to wear off a little as I sit and wait. So it’s time to get to work and pretend it hasn’t happened. Hard to do, but I’ll try.