Did someone here say something about balance? *Looks around and hides under a blanket of shame—it’s blue and fuzzy and I like it here.*
Okay, so here’s the thing… The thing is this… Well, see it all started when…
Epic failure on the whole finding balance/scheduling thing this week. There I admit it. Last week went great! So let’s start there. I followed my own rules and M’s lunch was packed according to plans each day. She was a happy little Kindergartener. I exercised 3 out of 5 days. Not too shabby, right? Right? (You better be nodding your head.) Could be better, but I did get back up to jogging 1.5 miles in 20 minutes. So that was an achievement in itself. And, I cooked dinner 4 out of the 5 nights. Friday night became date night so I get a free pass that night. Technically, I did make dinner for my kids, so actually I think that counts as dinner cooked, I cooked all 5 nights. Whoo hoo!
Okay, so this week wasn’t so great. But, sh*t happens, right? It does, believe me. So M is still getting lunch which has mostly stayed as planned with a few tweaks here and there. Nothing major. I have exercised only one day so far, but it’s only Thursday at lunch. Technically I could still squeeze in a jog today and tomorrow. So I’m not counting that as a washout yet. Dinners you ask. Yep, not so much this week. The hubby is away with work this whole week so it’s just me and the girls. Well, I hate cooking. Let’s be honest about that. And any excuse I can swindle to skip out of making dinner is a bonus for me. So dinners haven’t been ‘made’ this week. I think I’ve made dinner twice and once we ate at a restaurant. Tonight I plan on cooking homemade pizza so that M can take leftovers for school lunch tomorrow.
On to writing. Ah writing. How I’ve missed you this week… I usually get a lot of writing done while Mike is away since I don’t watch TV in the evenings if he’s not here. Well…Monday I worked until 10 which was great. Got my contemporary romance in great shape and it is officially just waiting for an agent to request it *hint, hint*. Now I’m working on a new opening for my novella based on some chit-chat with my beta reader about it. So that’s coming along. I wish I could say that I’ve gotten a ton of work done, but really, it’s only been a marginal amount. I’m trying, but I’m just so tired this week.
I’m tired for a few reasons. First, because I’m the only one here driving kids to school and back, cooking *ahem*, fixing lunches, playing, bathing, cleaning, and running to school activities. Oh, and did I mention that ballet and gymnastics started this week. Whew. I’m exhausted just listing all the things I have to do. Then, factor in trying to squeeze some writing in wherever possible. Lastly, I’ve been staying up way too late reading Hunger Games. Who knew that was such a great book? If you haven’t checked it out, you should. Fun stuff, but created late nights and a tired mom.
So there you have it. I found balance the first week, not so much the second week. I guess that’s a form of balance in its own way. If you’ve read this far, I applaud your efforts!! My life really isn’t that interesting, but maybe someone out there in the interwebs will be comforted by knowing they are not the only ones struggling with the balance between life, work, and sleep. I’ll see you back here later, hopefully when I’m less tired. Hopefully this whole post made sense. LOL! I have a feeling I won’t be back until I reach the end…of Mockingjay, that is. It’s the last in the Hunger Game trilogy, and I see many more late nights in my future until I finish reading it.
Until we meet again, happy reading and happy writing to you!
2 pings
Shoshanna Evers says:
September 23, 2010 at 1:24 pm (UTC -5 )
Sometimes balance means you write one day and cook another day, lol. As long as everyone is still alive I think you’re doing fine.
Wendy Marcus says:
September 23, 2010 at 10:29 pm (UTC -5 )
Don’t be too hard on yourself. Life is all about adjusting to your day in/day out responsibiities. Sometimes the plan works, sometimes it doesn’t.