Hey everyone, You may have come here looking for a Six Sentence Sunday post today, but I’m taking a quick break from the Sunday fun. I can tell you it’s not easy! I miss you all!! I miss the snippets!! I miss…the pictures… *sigh* But I’m skipping the fun and games and delicious eye candy …
Tag Archive: Editing
Deadlines and Milestones
Last week was a busy one for me. Aside from my usual mum/wife duties, I also had a couple of play dates scheduled for my kids, I was class mom at my daughters school Wednesday morning and then that night we had a huge event to go to with my husband’s work. We didn’t …
New Year and Trying New Things
So 2011 is a couple weeks in. I have a bunch of writing goals that I’ve set for myself and I’m hoping to accomplish at least a couple of them if not all of them. Easier said than done, right? To help myself along, I’ve decided to make some plans. The first is editing some …
New Beginnings
Not in a philosophical way. I really, really needed a new beginning for my newest WIP. The beginning wasn’t bad, but I have a tendency to add a little too much wordiness to my beginnings. I think it’s just part of my process as a writer as I get to know the story and the …
Into the Holiday Season and the Start of Revisions
Today is the last day before Thanksgiving vacation starts for my kids, which means it’s the last day before vacation starts for me too. This year we plan to just celebrate the holiday as a family with a little turkey breast dinner (we don’t eat the dark meat so I buy one of those …
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