


A Quick Break

Hey everyone,

You may have come here looking for a Six Sentence Sunday post today, but I’m taking a quick break from the Sunday fun. I can tell you it’s not easy! I miss you all!! I miss the snippets!! I miss…the pictures…


But I’m skipping the fun and games and delicious eye candy for a few weeks for a very good reason…

I’m prepping my first full-length novel for Amazon and Nook! Woot! That’s right folks, I’m going to dip my toe—yes, just one little toe—into the self-publishing world and see how I like it. It’s very exciting! And busy. I have a lot to do. I’ve learned a ton working with my editors at Silver Publishing on my Meadow Ridge Romance Series, and I’ve learned from working on edits/revisions with my agent on a different manuscript. And yet, I still feel like I have so much to learn! So I’m studying and taking notes, and making it happen.

My exactly release date hasn’t been finalized yet, but as soon as I know, I’ll let you all know too!

See you back here in a few Sundays…hopefully with some cover art and a release date!


About the author


2 pings

  1. Alix says:

    I look forward to watching you succeed! I hope you have a truly enjoyable journey along the way too.
    Best wishes

  2. Janet Lane Walters says:

    Heather. Hope the releaseis soon. After I finish here I’m going back to read Brenna’s comments. I’ve known her for years.

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