Today is the last day before Thanksgiving vacation starts for my kids, which means it’s the last day before vacation starts for me too. This year we plan to just celebrate the holiday as a family with a little turkey breast dinner (we don’t eat the dark meat so I buy one of those turkey breast on the bone and roast it) and there will probably be pie. Every weekend needs an excuse for pie. There probably won’t be anything made from sweet potatoes since we’re Canadian and don’t really care for those. I’ll make perogies instead. Yum! Turkey and perogies… Since my girls are also Americans, we try to celebrate the holiday for them so they grow up with both Canadian and American traditions. The best of both worlds, right? And that means we get to eat turkey and perogies twice each fall. Double yum.
This long weekend is also the kick-off for my NaNo novel revisions. I think I’ve officially finished the book at 53K and now begins the big job of rereading, editing, rewriting, and polishing. I’m not sure how much will change, but I’ll find out soon enough. I think some scenes will need to be lengthened. I may add in a few new scenes too if needed. I’m pretty sure no scenes are getting cut, but sentences will for sure. The goal is to get it finished before we go back to Canada for christmas holidays, then have a couple of beta readers see what they think, then revisions again after the new year, and finally sending it out for subs sometime in Jan or Feb. Sounds like a pretty manageable goal to me, so that’s what I’m aiming for. If things move quickly, maybe it’ll be ready to sub a little earlier, but there’s no rush.
What are your plans this holiday weekend? Are you busy cleaning for the onslaught of holiday visitors? Are you the visitors that are making someone else clean their house from top to bottom today? Will you be working this weekend too?
Whatever your plans, have a happy and safe holiday weekend. Be careful on the roads if you’re driving. If you’re flying, be ready to spread ’em for a pat down. And if you’re sticking close to home, relax and enjoy the extra days off!
9 pings
Janet Walters says:
November 23, 2010 at 8:24 pm (UTC -4 )
Good goals and good luck. Two Thanksgivings. I envy you the food but not the pounds.
hthurmeier says:
November 23, 2010 at 8:48 pm (UTC -4 )
I’m trying not to think about the pounds! Happy Thanksgiving, Janet!
Shoshanna Evers says:
November 24, 2010 at 10:10 am (UTC -4 )
Have a happy Thanksgiving!
hthurmeier says:
November 24, 2010 at 1:28 pm (UTC -4 )
Happy Thanksgiving!
Layna says:
November 28, 2010 at 9:22 am (UTC -4 )
Seriously Nate, don’t you dare stop! 😉
Great snippet, Heather.
hthurmeier says:
November 28, 2010 at 10:06 am (UTC -4 )
Thanks Layna. Don’t worry, I’ll make Nate keep going…
the sweater curse says:
November 28, 2010 at 3:59 pm (UTC -4 )
Nate is such a gentleman.
Wishing you much success in finding a publisher.
Have you discovered Decadent Publishing ( Check them out–they’re awesome.
hthurmeier says:
November 28, 2010 at 4:50 pm (UTC -4 )
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I was just looking on the decadent publishing site today actually. I may just have to submit something to them!
Alyn Rosselini says:
November 28, 2010 at 10:33 pm (UTC -4 )
Oh, don’t stop. Please don’t stop there. I like the name as well.