Now that I’m officially done project number three, it’s time to move on. Ah, I love a clean slate, a blank page, a white computer screen staring at me as the little black line blinks at me. *Write something, write something, write something.* I’ve been getting better coming up ideas as I go about my …
Tag Archive: character developement
Revisions, Submissions, Ideas — oh my!
These last few weeks I’ve been busy with revisions on two projects. One was just tinkering and polishing to a gleaming shine. The other was a little more intensive. That one involved adding new scenes—the *fun* kind ;)—and tinkering with the inner conflict of my characters. The end product of both led to a …
Accepting the Differences
So today I’m feeling inspired by my real life. I have two kids and the older they get, the more differences I see in them. I used to think that they were the same, but I think that was more wishful thinking on my part than anything else. See if they were the same, then …
NaNoWriMo Countdown!
Less than a week until NaNoWriMo 2010 kicks off! Woot!! If you don’t know what that it, it’s all about writing a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. Fun, right? Let’s hope. Now that Nov. 1st is drawing near, I see more and more pop up around the internet about NaNo. The excitement is building! …
The Process–Names
I’m sitting here, plotting project three and figuring out my characters. I decided on a name for my Heroine, my annoying pain-in-the-ass antagonist guy, but still haven’t come up with a name for my Hero. So I thought it might be time to go name searching online soon, and a little shiver of excitement just …
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