OMG, cyber people! OMG!!
**Take two deep breaths…**
…I just sent out my very first query for my novel! Yikes! I can’t stop using exclamation points!!! I can’t remember the last time I’ve been this nervous. Whew. It feels really great and intensely scary to have sent out my first query. I’m sure it will be the first of many, because let’s be realistic, the chances of the first place deciding to represent me is a little far-fetched. Chances are very good that I’ll have to send it out dozens of times to find representation. But, one can dream and hope and cross all ten fingers and toes!
I have to admit that I’m terrified that there is going to be an agent reading my work. Judging my work. Ah, but it will all be okay. Somewhere out there in Literary Land, there is an agent just waiting for my query to flicker to life in their inbox so they can take on the responsibility of finding it a permanent home.
Now that my pulse is sort of under control again, I’m off to do more research on agents and also to start plotting my next few novel ideas. Wish me luck!
3 pings
Terri says:
June 23, 2010 at 12:06 am (UTC -5 )
Good luck! Way to go.
Shana Brodsky says:
June 23, 2010 at 9:11 am (UTC -5 )
Woo hoo! You are on your way 🙂
hthurmeier says:
June 23, 2010 at 10:09 am (UTC -5 )
Thanks Terri and Shana!
It’s nice to have some support from people who know how this feels…terrifying!! I’ve sent out eQueries to three places as of this morning and I think that might be all my nerves can handle for the moment. LOL! There may be a fourth agency, but I’m waiting for more info on that one before I’m able to send it. Otherwise, I think I’ll ride out these queries for a little while and see what happens. Once they start coming back, I’ll go from there. In the meantime, I think it’s time to start putting more focus on a new project!