


Blog Tour Wrap-Up!

Thank you to everyone who followed me around on my blog tour! Your comments and questions made my tour so much fun. If you’re the winner of the $25 Amazon.com gift card, congratulations!!! If you didn’t win this time, don’t fret—there’s more chances at prizes coming up!

March 16–Stop by my blog for the St. Patrick’s Day Blog Hope. Prizes will include:

A gift card to one commenter on my blog.

AND stop by each participating blog for a chance to win:

Grand Prize of a KINDLE FIRE or NOOK TABLET!!!

Second Prize of a HUGE $90 Amazon or B&N gift card!!

April 6-8–Stop by my blog again for a chance to win a $25 gift card to either Amazon OR Nook and copy of one of my blacklist titles!! Winners choice for all!


About the author
