Last week I finished the first draft of my very first paranormal romance novel. Woot! I started it back around April and planned to write it before the end of the school year. Then during summer. Then once the kids got back to school… See a pattern here? It seems every time I would write a few thousand words, something would happen to pull me away from it again. Finally last week I put everything else aside and just wrote. And wrote. And wrote. 17K later (holy moly!) I wrote The End. Whew. I’m so glad that’s done. There’s just something so satisfying about writing The End even though I know the book itself is still far from finished. I’m setting it aside for a while and giving myself a little distance from it. Then I’ll go back and read it, make changes as needed along the way, and then ship it off to my beta-readers and my critique partner. After another pass to clean up their notes, then it will actually be finished. Hopefully.
While that one simmers on the back burner for a while I’m starting on a new project. I’m excited to keep my new found momentum going and I don’t want to let too many days go without writing new words. This one will be a novella. I’m pegging it to be A Meadow Ridge Romance book 3, but we’ll see what happens with it once I figure out the story and actually write it.
I’m off to outline and start writing!
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