This morning something happened that I knew was coming eventually, but always hoped never would. A moment I was dreading. A moment that sort of confirms what you’ve done right and wrong as a parent. Possibly it’s a rite of passage as a parent, I don’t know, but it certainly feels like one.
I was trying to get the girls dressed before they watched a show because it’s a school day for M. M got dressed pretty easily. Then I moved on to K, the tricky one. I asked her nicely to come over a few times (or like 10 possibly). Finally, my stern voice seemed to propel her forward to me to get her dressed. Half way through putting on her cute little undies, M looks at me and says, “Is K being a pain?”
I rolled my eyes a little and sighed at having been caught and repeated saying something a little less than nice about K, even if it was true and she is often a pain. She’s my pain and I love her deeply. So I said, “Yes, she’s being a little bit of a pain today not wanting to getting dressed.”
M looks at me, eyes large and innocent (with just a tiniest hint of rebellion). “A pain in the ass?”
And there it is. My shining moment as a mother, a teacher, a role model. Oh, crap. Well, it least she didn’t drop the F-bomb.
2 pings
vanessa says:
February 8, 2009 at 9:10 am (UTC -5 )
ya at least!
Nick asked me yesterday “what’s worse mom…the B word…the F word or saying stupid”
I replied “they are all words for big people”
he says “OK I will just call people a dink then”
ya I hear you
hthurmeier says:
February 8, 2009 at 12:22 pm (UTC -5 )
Hahaha! That’s so funny, V!