UNSCRIPTED LOVE my Reality TV Romance Box Set is still only $0.99 at most retailers and only $0.76 at Amazon! Crazy! AMAZON NOOK KOBO ALLROMANCE Today I have a little teaser snippet from the third book …
Tag Archive: unscripted love
New Releases and a New GIVEAWAY!!
It seems like this last few months as been a whirl wind of writing, editing, and promoting. I mean, those things are always on the to-do list for an author, but it feels like it’s been even more hectic lately. And as much as I’m enjoying the ride, sometimes it feels like I forget to …
#TeaserTuesday — Unscripted Love Box Set — A Falling for You Excerpt!
Unscripted Love is here for a price that is too good to pass up! Seriously, these .99 cent deals are too awesome for readers. But are you getting if you pick up this bundle? Well, you’re getting all the behind the scenes drama you could want out of your favorite reality TV shows! What if …
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