It’s good to have goals. My goals for 2011 are pretty simple.
1. Get something published somewhere. Vague, but reasonable. And the most important goal of them all. This will be my year to get The Call.
2. Write a few books targeted to ePublishers. Totally doable. Not sure how many, but as many as I can. I’m falling in love with the idea of epublishing and I’d love to have books out there in ebook world.
3. Write my second single-title romance. Hmmm, I need to flesh out a few ideas for that one. I have a couple started, but they need some brainstorming.
4. Get an agent to represent my first or second single-title and shop it/them to publishers. That shouldn’t be too hard to accomplish, right? Right?! Oy…
Easy-peasy lemon squeezy. 🙂
So what are your goals this year?
6 pings
Shoshanna Evers says:
January 1, 2011 at 12:42 pm (UTC -5 )
Happy New Year! My goal for this year is to get a literary agent. Since I have no control over whether or not an agent will want to sign me, my resolution will be to send out query letters. That at least I know I can make happen. I also intend to write several more books, of course 🙂
hthurmeier says:
January 1, 2011 at 2:13 pm (UTC -5 )
That’s a great goal, Shoshanna! Good luck to you. I think 2011 will be a great for you!
MyLiteraryCoach says:
January 2, 2011 at 8:37 pm (UTC -5 )
Dear Shoshanna,
How good to focus on what you can do during this year. Two other things you might consider are have an experienced publishing professional (1) review your query letter–it needs to be excellent–and (2) use the databases on agent specialties and deals in the past 10 years to build a tight list of prospects. These two steps will really up your chances of getting what you want. Tim
Janet Walters says:
January 2, 2011 at 4:46 pm (UTC -5 )
No goals. Just to continue as I have been. Hope yours come true.
Kerrianne says:
January 9, 2011 at 7:50 am (UTC -5 )
What will those hands do, indeed! Nice.
charmaine gordon says:
January 9, 2011 at 10:35 am (UTC -5 )
Don’r reach for a fire extinguisher. . .HAve fun with this.