LOST WITHOUT YOU the 3rd installment in my reality TV romance trilogy is almost here!
It officially releases July 1, 2013! However, you can PRE-ORDER your copy now for only $3.99 if you want. And you should! Here’s why…
I’m giving away 5 signed PRINT copies of the first book in the series, Falling for You, (a $13.46 value!) to readers who are just so excited to get their hands on LOST WITHOUT YOU that they run over to Amazon and pre-order their copy before it’s big release on July 1st! How cool is that?!
But that’s not all. If you haven’t read the second book in the series yet, Stuck on You, then you can purchase that book instead and still be entered in to win a personalized, signed copy of Falling for You!
Here’s what you have to do:
1. Pre-order LOST WITHOUT YOU from Amazon and after purchase, “share this item” with your friends. Share it on Twitter by clicking the twitter tab and add my twitter handle (@hthurmeier) to the message already in the box. Then just click send! It’s simple.
Don’t have twitter? Send me the “share this item” news via email by clicking the email tab and sending it to my address at– heatherthurmeier@gmail.com –and while you’re at it, send it to a few of your other book lovin’, romance reading friends!
Haven’t read the second in the series yet? You can still play!
2. Buy STUCK ON YOU from Amazon and “Share this item” as described above.
3. Purchase both STUCK ON YOU and LOST WITHOUT YOU and I’ll put your name in the draw 1 extra time because 3 chances are even better!!!
***Contest runs today June 4th,2013 thru June 25th, 2013!***
2 pings
allysonbb says:
June 4, 2013 at 11:14 am (UTC -5 )
I preordered 🙂 and shared/ tweeted also shared/tweeted the contest! I have already read and loved the the first two and can’t wait for this to come out…Congratulations on the new release 🙂 Have a great week!
Heather says:
June 4, 2013 at 11:20 am (UTC -5 )
Thanks Allyson!! I hope you enjoy Zoe’s story!