If you’ve ever read a book and fallen in love with the story or the characters or the writing, then the best way you can say thank you is to write a review! It’s a fact that reviews help to sell books. It’s like you going out for dinner with friends and telling them about this awesome book you just read and why they should read it too. Leaving a review online is no different. You’re just telling strangers!
So, have you read one of my books and NOT left a review yet? Leave one today (You can find my books HERE!) and help this very appreciative author out! Love you! Kisses. *mwah*
2 pings
Peanut Butter and Whine says:
April 20, 2013 at 7:26 pm (UTC -5 )
I will have to get one of your books and come back and do just that!!
A to Z-ing to the end
Peanut Butter and Whine
Jessica says:
April 23, 2013 at 9:39 pm (UTC -5 )
I love to help out authors. When I read a book that I enjoy, especially one that’s been self-published, rather than a review (or I guess a review of sorts) I interview the author in hopes of getting them a bit more exposure. And when I come across a book I fall in love with, I try to tell anyone and everyone I know, and even those I don’t know, that they have to get the book.
Have fun with a-z. 🙂