


Six Sentence Sunday 1/29

Welcome back to another Sunday. Find all the other authors by CLICKING HERE!

I’m going to get right to my six this week since I’m super excited that LOVE ON LANDING is officially available in all formats on Silver Publishing’s website! Woot!! I love new releases!

This week we get to find out how Gavin gets roped into shopping with Tali…

Did he want to listen to her whine about something silly while spending mountains of money on things she didn’t need?

Tali turned and bent to slip her feet into a pair of boots, pulling them up to her knees over the skinny-legged jeans. He caught the slightest glimpse of a pink lacy thong peeking out from under the edge of her jeans.

Yes. Yes he did want to listen to her whine all day. Sign me up.

Want to read more? CLICK HERE!!!


About the author


18 pings

  1. Lisa Fox says:

    Congrats on your release! Yay!

  2. Alix says:

    That is the sweetest last line ever. Huge cheers on your release. Well done.

  3. Cara Bristol says:

    Your snippet made me smile. Congrats on the release. It’s great when you can feature a new release for Six Sunday.

  4. Claire Gillian says:

    Congrats on the release. Aha! The ulterior motive! There’s usually one OTHER than listening to whining and spending too much $$. LOL

  5. Layna Pimentel says:

    LOL I’ve got a feeling I’m gonna love this one too. 🙂

    Cute snippet, Heather!

  6. Paula Martin says:

    Great six, love how he changed his mind 🙂

  7. Angela Quarles says:

    LOL, love how and why he changed his mind! And congrats on the release!

  8. Zee Monodee says:

    Lol – typical man, eh? Love your cover – it’s totally gorgeous! 🙂

  9. Krystal Wade says:

    What hot blooded man could walk away from that? 😉 Great six.

  10. K.E. Saxon says:

    Men are so easily manipulated into doing what we want them to do. *grin*
    Very amusing six, Heather!

  11. Jean Marie Ward says:

    This one could be called Six Sentence Smile. 🙂 Congratulations on the new release!

  12. Steven Montano says:

    Nice. And…yeah, sign me up. LOL

  13. E. Jamie says:

    (giggles) Great six! Happy Release Day!

  14. Jasmine says:

    Ha! I love it. All it takes for him to decide is a little peek at what’s to come. Great six!

    I’m new to Six Sentence and don’t have my name up on the list, so if you wouldn’t mind stopping by to check out mine if you have time, I’d appreciate it!


  15. Sue Ann Bowling says:

    Somehow I don’t think it’s the shopping he’s interested in.

  16. Sandra Sookoo says:

    lol cute! Congrats on the release!

  17. dianne hartsock says:

    Men are so easy! Very cute, sexy six. 🙂

  18. DeAnna Felthauser says:

    Great six! LOL @ how quickly he decided he did want to hear her whine all day!

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