Today is LOVE AND LATTES release day! Sweet!!
I’ve waited for this day for a long time. While I’ve only been writing with the goal of getting published for exactly 2 years, I’ve been dreaming about this day my whole life. It’s wonderful and surreal and there’s still a part of me that doesn’t believe this is all actually happening. LOL. People are going to buy my book and read it? CRAZYPANTS!
I’m so thankful to have amazing family, friends, and fellow writers to in my life supporting and encouraging me through basically every step of these last two years. I can’t possibly tell you just how much each and every one of you mean to me. So I’ll simply say thank you.
**And now to celebrate the release of my very first book—LOVE AND LATTES—let’s do a little GIVEAWAY!!! Leave a comment telling me something about coffee. Maybe it’s your favorite coffee, the coffee you just can’t stand, or even the most unique coffee you’ve ever tasted and where you tried it. Next Saturday, Sept. 17th—LOVE AND LATTES official one week anniversary—I’ll choose one commenter to win a LOVE AND LATTES coffee mug filled with goodies! YEAH!
Chase has given up hope of ever finding a woman who wants something more than just his family name. Julia is funny, incredibly sexy, and finally, after two years of playing the field, Chase gets a chance to date a girl who’s interested in him, not his status.
Julia can’t forget the night of passion she spent with Chase after dancing at the club. When she runs into him on her first day at a new job, she’s thrilled to see him again—until she learns he’s her new boss.
Julia doesn’t know what to think when she’s threatened to stay away from Chase and then overhears gossips painting him as a player and Julia as his new toy. Should Julia heed the threats and gossip or is a chance to fall in love worth the risk?
Buy from Silver Publish you can click HERE!!
26 pings
Shoshanna Evers says:
September 10, 2011 at 8:04 am (UTC -5 )
Woot! Happy release day, Heather! I loved LOVE AND LATTES when I beta-read it. That coffee mug with your book cover on it looks fabulous btw 🙂
Heather says:
September 10, 2011 at 8:29 pm (UTC -5 )
Thanks, Shoshanna! I have the best beta-reader ever!
Aimee Carson says:
September 10, 2011 at 8:21 am (UTC -5 )
Happy release day, Heather! And that is, without a doubt, one of the most gorgeous covers I have EVER seen!!!! Super big congrats to you!
Heather says:
September 10, 2011 at 8:29 pm (UTC -5 )
Thank you, Aimee! I LOVE the cover too. It was done by Reese Dante and she is amazing.
Lorraine says:
September 10, 2011 at 10:09 am (UTC -5 )
COFFEE!!! Coffee and books are my to drugs of choice and believe me when I tell you I am an addict. Its bad! My kids know I have a problem, but they love me anyway. My favorite coffee “right now” is the pumkin latte from Dunkin Donuts. YUMMY!!! I love the fall!. Dunkin Donuts is on my way to work, so easy pick-up. But when I go to Barnes & Nobles its usually carmel latte, unless they have a new flavor, I have to try all their new flovors. My daughters are older know and have picked up my bad habit of coffee and books. (there are worse habits out there so I am super glad this is ours) Now if only they would get jobs to pay for these habits, I would have more coffee, book and me time!! 🙂
Heather says:
September 10, 2011 at 8:31 pm (UTC -5 )
Hi Lorraine,
I’m completely addicted too! But I’m not so into the pumpkin flavored things, but then I don’t like pumpkin pie either. My favorite fancy coffee is a peppermint mocha. Not too much longer until those will hopefully be available again!
Elizabeth says:
September 10, 2011 at 10:25 am (UTC -5 )
HAPPY “VERY FIRST” RELEASE DAY!!!!! You only get on first time so I hope this one exceeds your greatest expectations. O.K. Funny coffee story. I took my kids to Disney for the first time four years ago. It was me, my two daughter and my son. First time for all of us, like I said not something we will EVER forget. Anyway, on the way home I had made my children and I wear these shirts from Universal Studies that said “Thing One, Thing Two, Thing Three and Thing Four”, they were not happy, but I thought it was cute, so I win. Any way at Disney I bought this huge pack of 24 differtent coffees from one of the shops, small containers in a round container stacked 12 on 12. I had this in a new suitcase I baught just to bring home extra stuff we baught. When going through airport security my kids went through first. I was taking off my shoes when a security guard call, “Hey, Thing One, we have a problem and I am going to need you to open this bag. He had called for back up and there were four other officers there surrounding my kids and waiting for me to go through the detector. I appears they thought my coffee was a bomb from the way it appeared in the xray screen. Once i opened they case I had to show proff with a receipt, which thank god I had, but was not easy to find. Nearly missed our flight but I had my kids, my coffee and myself back home in New York in no time. And being from New York I appreciated their efforts into making sure the plane was safe. Good Times!!!
Heather says:
September 10, 2011 at 8:32 pm (UTC -5 )
“Hey, Thing One!” is hilarious!! There’s some good memories you’ll have to live down forever. LOL!
Jel says:
September 10, 2011 at 10:26 am (UTC -5 )
hmm i havent tried drinking coffee because im afraid of the bitter taste. but somehow i really want to try it because idk why it smells so good haha
Heather says:
September 10, 2011 at 8:33 pm (UTC -5 )
It’s not bitter if you add enough milk and sugar! You should try one of the fancy coffees you can buy with all the yummy steamed milk and flavors added in. Delish!
Ranae Rose says:
September 10, 2011 at 12:00 pm (UTC -5 )
CONGRATS Heather on the release of Love and Lattes! 🙂
And coffee, mmm…where do I start? It tastes great, but you know what I think is even better? The smell of coffee grounds. There’s nothing like opening up a container of coffee grounds and smelling that rich aroma… I swear it smells better every time! I have one of those one-cup-at-a-time Keurig brewers though, so I don’t really get to experience that at home, which means I must resort to sniffing the coffee-containers of my friends and relativs when I visit. I should probably a little container to keep in my fridge for smelling purposes, now that I think of it.
Heather says:
September 10, 2011 at 8:34 pm (UTC -5 )
OH man, now I need to find a tin of coffee to smell! I have a Keurig too (which I totally love!) and haven’t had that fresh in the tin smell for a while.
Jen Daiker says:
September 10, 2011 at 2:42 pm (UTC -5 )
Sounds delicious!!!! I’m still so in love with the cover! I look forward to reviewing the novel on my blog! I’d love to win the giveaway but more for the fact that it could be a signed copy (which ismy favorite kind)!!!
Hmm, coffee fact, lets see here. I’m one that doesn’t drink coffee. So for a coffee fact I’ll tell you instead what I do enjoy, apple cider. Oh when fall hits (or I know it’s close) I love hearing Starbucks is selling their caramel apple cider. It gets me excited. It’s also when I’ll take the core from the apple and make my own fresh apple cider. SO DELICIOUS!
Heather says:
September 10, 2011 at 8:35 pm (UTC -5 )
Thank you, Jen!! I can’t wait to hear what you think of the story! If you buy a kindle version of the book, I plan on signing up with kindlegraph. I can sign it that way!
Taryn Kincaid says:
September 10, 2011 at 2:42 pm (UTC -5 )
Congrats, Heather! Enjoy your day!
Heather says:
September 10, 2011 at 8:36 pm (UTC -5 )
Thank you, Taryn!
Nancy Anderson says:
September 10, 2011 at 3:12 pm (UTC -5 )
Oh my Heather!! The day has finally come! Wow!!! I love you and I’m so proud of you!!!
And coffee? What can I saw about coffee that will cut to the core of this issue – it is singly the one thing that I loved and despised for years.
Picture it – a popular family restaurant – known for it’s all-day breakfasts. The staff, a young group of late-teens, bleary-eyed and exhausted – serving the masses of other post-drunken generation X-ers, families with screaming children and senior citizens with nothing better to do.
Coffee was the one thing that would help that tired staff make it through the worst of the day – functioning at just enough above par to get the job done. And coffee was also the reason that all of those crazy people were there so bloody early to ruin our lives. Ahhhh, coffee!
(and I have to win the mug’o goodies now – don’t I?????)
Heather says:
September 10, 2011 at 8:38 pm (UTC -5 )
Oh, Nancyface. 😉
How I miss you. You totally brought me back to the days of working the morning pancake and coffee shift! I hated getting up early, but I love when we worked together. Good times.
I love you right back!
Heather says:
September 10, 2011 at 8:28 pm (UTC -5 )
Thank you so much to all of you for coming and sharing in my day with me. It means a lot to me!!
Be sure to check back next Sat to see who wins my little cup full of goodies.
Trish and Tori says:
September 10, 2011 at 11:52 pm (UTC -5 )
Congratulations on your book release!!! All your hard work has paid off!!!
What kind of Canadian would I be if I didn’t say Tim Horton’s is my favorite cup of brew. Nothing beats two hands wrapped around a Tiimmies watching a hockey game on a cold winter morning. Lattes for everyone to celebrate your debut!!!!!!
Heather says:
September 12, 2011 at 9:12 am (UTC -5 )
Tims does make a pretty good cup of coffee!!
Na S. says:
September 14, 2011 at 12:07 pm (UTC -5 )
Love and Lattes does have a nice ring to it. Its sounds very cute and quaint. Congrats on the release of your first book. The only coffee I want is the sweet tasting kind so there’s a lot of sugar and cream inside:) They go well with wraps and donuts mmm. Lattes cheers to you!
MaryC says:
September 14, 2011 at 4:44 pm (UTC -5 )
Congratulations on tour release.
I LOVE the aroma of coffee brewing but don’t like the taste. Thankfully, Starbucks has wonderful tea and mixed drinks,
Gianna Simone says:
September 15, 2011 at 10:45 am (UTC -5 )
Congratulations on the release, Heather! This is such an exciting time, and I am so happy for you. You worked super hard for it, and you deserve it. Bask in the glow. There’ll be lots more to come! 🙂
As for my comment about coffee – I don’t drink it. Never acquired a taste for it, despite having a mom that drinks it black and the stronger the better. The coffee loving gene must skip a generation – my daughter’s become a major addict already and she’s only 14! lol
Susan @ The Book Bag says:
September 15, 2011 at 10:01 pm (UTC -5 )
Congrats on the book! It sounds awesome and fun. I love the cover!
I just recently discovered Starbucks Iced coffee. I was a vanilla latte person before I tried a sample they were giving out. I am a convert! Their Via Iced coffee is great and I can have it anywhere!
Your giveaway goodies would be great to win and I am putting your book on my TBR list! I’ll have to drink some yummy coffee along with it.
aubreylaine says:
September 16, 2011 at 11:54 am (UTC -5 )
I love coffee 🙂 And chai is amazing!
I go to Starbucks a lot but I prefer the local coffee shops best.
Thanks for the opportunity to win and congratulations!!!
littlegray88 at yahoo dot com