Did anyone miss me? Did anyone know I was gone, LOL?!
I just returned from vacation with my family. We went to Disney World for five days and it was wonderful! I can’t think of a better vacation we’ve had together as a family. But now that I’m back, it’s back to work!
I tried to work on my WIP and NaNoWriMo novel while we were away and I managed about 6,000 words. Not bad considering we were rarely in our room and when we were, it was usually just to crash from exhaustion of being in the theme parks and pools all day. But I did as much as I could, and I’m happy with what I accomplished.
I wanted to give a quick shout-out to everyone who stopped my blog this past Sunday for Six Sentence Sunday! I truly appreciate you coming by to read my work and for leaving me comments! Sadly, my wordpress app doesn’t allow me to reply to comments, only approve them so my replies came late last night. But don’t think I didn’t read, enjoy and appreciate every single comment, because I did. So thanks! And I hope to see you all again next week!
Alright, so it’s back to work. I dealt with some submission business for my novella. Now my blog is updated. Then it’s time to prep my six sentence for next Sunday. Finally, I’ll get to work on my WIP again and I hope to cross the 40K mark today. Did I mention picking up the dog from the kennel, the kid from school, laundry, dinner etc, etc? Yep, it’s good to be back and back to work in all aspects!
What’s up with you? Did I miss anything important in your life while I was away?
3 pings
Janet Walters says:
November 16, 2010 at 6:06 pm (UTC -5 )
Hope the vacation was wonderful. Taking a break usually inspires. I always take my writing with me when I go anywhere. One never knows when those five or ten minutes can occur.
hthurmeier says:
November 16, 2010 at 6:27 pm (UTC -5 )
The vacation was awesome. In fact, I think I’m suffering from post-vacation blues today. I just can’t seem to get back into the groove of life. Maybe tomorrow.
Shoshanna Evers says:
November 17, 2010 at 8:50 am (UTC -5 )
Glad you had a good trip and that you’re back! The only thing you missed here was the monthly HVRWA meeting, which was a lot of fun since Trish Owens from The Wild Rose Press attended and spoke.