


Exciting News!

I got some very exciting news today… An editor requested to see my novella!! It’s too soon for details, but I’m very excited! Cross your fingers and toes that Ms. Editor likes what she reads!

***Me, happy dancing around my living room!!!***


About the author


6 pings

  1. Wendy Marcus says:

    Great News, Heather.
    Fingers crossed for you! Good luck!

  2. Janet Walters says:

    Good luck. I
    ll cross my fingers, toes and eyes for you. Janet

  3. Leslie says:

    At least you were only happy dancing around your living room – I happy danced around my office when I got your news.

    Good Luck!!

  4. Yolanda says:

    Fingers are crossed you’ll hear great news soon! Keep us posted!

    1. hthurmeier says:

      Thanks everyone! You’ll definitely hear from me if this goes anywhere! So exciting!

  5. Shoshanna Evers says:

    She’ll love it! I have a *very* good feeling about this!

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