
Spooktacular #Halloween #Giveaway 2015

Spooktacular2015Happy Halloween!!! Another year… another 5 pounds of mini snickers and reeses added to my butt. LOL. Let’s hope not. This year I’m not buying any candy early!

The rest of my plans will stay the same. We take the kids trick-or-treating at my husband’s office. It’s awesome! It’s indoors, it’s warm, it’s with a bunch of their friends, and it’s safe! All of the employees decorate their desks and offices, have games and spooky scares around every corner, and lots of treats! Then on Halloween night, we take the kids out with our neighbors. Between the 2 nights of fun, we end up with more candy than we know what to do with. Good times.

So what are your Halloween plans this year? Do you go out and get treats? Do you stay home and hand them out? Let me know!

Halloween isn’t the only time for tricks. Tessa has a little trick of her own going on when she heads home for a family camping trip! Check this blurb for my upcoming book that is available for preorder now!

TheHometownHoax-coverLeaving was hard, but staying away might be impossible. 

Tessa Cutter escaped her tiny hometown and chased her artistic dreams straight to Manhattan. Now she’s home for a camping trip with her family. To keep them off her back, she makes up the perfect pretend boyfriend–successful, important, and most of all, permanently located in New York.

Logan Ridley lost everything when his Manhattan-based personal training studio shut down. Luckily, a friend got him a position as a gym teacher in the small town of Cutter’s Creek. He’s heard a lot about the infamous Tessa, but she’s even better than he imagined. Except, she seems to hate everything about the small town he’s growing to love.

The chemistry sparking between them is impossible to ignore, but falling for Logan will trap Tessa in the small town she worked so hard to escape. If they have any hope of a future together, he’ll have to convince her that everything she wants has been in Cutter’s Creek all along…



And now for the GIVEAWAY!! Enter my rafflecopter below for your chance to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Ready to hop to the next blog? Click back to the list of links HERE!



#WriterWednesday — Writer’s Life — Fashion (or lack there of)

Every writer I know has their go-to writing clothes. Usually it’s something comfortable like yoga pants, slippers, leggings, big fuzzy sweaters. Let’s face it. We’re at a desk or sitting on a couch, probably at home alone, and our characters could care less about what we’re wearing.

But even the busiest writers need to leave the house at some point!

Leave the house, you say? No. I can’t. I’d have to put on a bra!

Yep, you do. And maybe change out of those comfy-yet-very-broken-in yoga pants while you’re at it.

I recently discovered STITCH FIX to help me look cute and put together when I leave the house. In case you haven’t heard of it, Stitch Fix is a service that sends you 5 pieces of clothing or accessories as often as every few weeks, or as little as every few months. You fill out an extensive, but fun, survey about your style and what you like/need/want, and price ranges for all. Then just sit back and let someone else do the shopping for you! Each fix, you keep what you like and easily send back what you don’t.

I really wasn’t convinced it would work for me. I mean, shopping for clothes can really suck. You try on a ton of things and nothing fits. Ugh. But surprisingly, my Stitch Fix stylist sends me stuff every month and it almost always fits. Even the pants! And I’ve gotten some really cute stuff that I normally would never have tried on myself. Some months I buy only 1 of my 5 items and send the rest back. Last month, I bought all 5 and got a great discount!

Now I don’t have to fear leaving the house and not looking cute because I always have something new and awesome to wear from Stitch Fix! Check out the stuff I bought in my last fix! Jeans, maxi skirt, blouse, sweater, and scarf!


New shirt I would NEVER pick out but LOVE! And new skinny jeans in charcoal.



Same pants, with new sweater, and scarf. I would NEVER pick out the scarf and I like it and I think I’ll wear it this fall.



Maxi shirt I would never pick out for myself but seeing it with my black tank, I really liked it! Think it would look great with a dark blue blouse too!


Ready to give your style a little boost? Click the link to check out STITCH FIX for yourself!



#WriterWednesday — Writer’s Life — Exercise

This year I’ve done a lot of reevaluating and reorganizing of my time. I always feel so busy writing, editing, promoting, planning, etc. that I don’t feel like I have any extra time left in my schedule for anything else. While my kids are at school, that’s my writing time. How could I take time out of that dedicated ‘me’ time to go and do something besides writing—something ultimately for… me?

Over the last couple of months, I’ve decided to make a better effort to include some exercise into my day.

The fact is, writing is a very sedentary job and when I’m in the zone, I can spend hours just sitting and typing. But I know that’s not good for my health. So after literally years of my friend bugging me to try Cross Fit with her, I finally did. And I didn’t hate it!

Turns out, Cross Fit doesn’t suck. I’m still not sure I love it. I mean, really, love is a big word. But I like it a lot. Am I ready to make a yearly contractual agreement with my box (that’s what you call a Cross Fit gym. See, I’m even learning the lingo!)? I don’t know. It’s not them, it’s me. I’m commitment phobic. But maybe I can make a 3-month commitment. After all, I’ve been technically going there for 4 months already!

And surprisingly, I don’t completely suck at Cross Fit either! I always thought you had to be some kind of athlete to do it, but turns out anyone can. No seriously. You can scale the WOD (workout!) to your fitness level. So I can workout along side my friend who’s been doing it for years and not die. Imagine that!


Deadlifting 125 pounds!!!! Never knew I could do that!

Me, working my muscles. That barbel has 125 pounds on it!!!

Me, working my muscles.

Along with Cross Fit, because as much as I love it, I can’t do it everyday, I’ve also started jogging. And by jogging, I mean a mix of walking and very slowly jogging around my neighborhood for 30 minutes. I basically always feel like I’m going to die. My streets are deceptively hilly and hard to jog up. Now I’ve learned to walk up the hard ones and jog back down them. Much easier and I still sweat like crazy. I’ve even talked my two little munchkins into jogging with me this summer! They are great partners. Their little legs mean they jog at the same slow pace I do. LOL.


After jogging with my two little munchkins.

And while it doesn’t sound like a workout, I also started horseback riding. Let me tell you, after a 30 minute lesson, I’m sweating like crazy. Between the heat of the summer, squeezing my legs hard enough to make my horse actually listen to me, and trying to remember to breathe while also remembering all the other things I’m supposed to do, I’ve definitely had a workout!

Overall, I’m probably exercising 3-4 days a week now, on a good week. I’m hoping that once the kids go back to school, I’ll be to work out in some way everyday as part of my daily routine. I’m hoping that it will help me get and stay healthy so all the hours I spend sitting and writing aren’t a problem anymore.

So, what do you do to get and stay healthy? Do you find it hard to work it into your daily schedule or have you figured out the trick to making it happen for you?



Catching Stardust is #FREE!!!

HeatherThurmeier_CatchingStardust200For a limited time, my sic-fi/paranormal romance is FREE!! Grab your copy now while you can!

Maia’s been banished to Earth from her place among the stars as the eldest sister of Pleiades… and all because Orion won’t stop chasing her around the universe. Now Maia has to find her way back to the stars with only the help of hunky astronautics scientist Zander while staying hidden from Orion. 

Zander never expected the discovery of his lifetime to fall into his lap, but when Maia also falls into his bed, he knows there’s no way he can turn the goddess who has stolen his heart into a science project. With his best friend ready to sell him out for fame, her wannabe lover Orion chasing after her on Earth, and time running out fast, Zander must fight to keep Maia safe long enough to get her home. 

If going home means losing Zander, is Maia ready to go back to the stars?

Get your copy HERE!



Reality TV Romances Re-releasing!

9781440589959The entire Reality TV Romance trilogy has been relicensed to Amazon Encore!! As exciting as this new adventure will be, it also means there will be a temporary disruption with those titles. They will be coming off of ALL RETAILERS as of August 1, 2015 and will re-release with Amazon Encore on August 18th, 2015.

If you’ve been thinking about getting a copy of any of these books, now is the time! Especially if you want them on another reading device besides kindle!! I’m not sure they will be back anywhere else until a date FAR in the future.

Below are the buy links for everywhere these titles are available until August 1. Don’t hesitate!

Buy the bundle to get all three titles for only .99 cents! This deal will be gone and WILL NOT COME BACK, to the best of my knowledge!

AMAZON:  http://ow.ly/J4Zqb 

ALL ROMANCE:  http://ow.ly/J516B

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