What?!?! How crazy is that? I happened upon this article in The Guardian and imagine my surprise to find my own name and mention of my Reality TV Romance series!!! I couldn’t believe my eyes. But it gets better…
My name was used in the same sentence as THE HUNGER GAMES! Holy moly. I can’t even go there in my head. So, so cool. Check it out! I’m still in shock that someone would include my books in an article like this. Absolutely super cool moment for me. 🙂
“Apart from the print and screen phenomena of The Hunger Games, the American author Heather Thurmeier has written an entire series of romances based around talent and reality shows, utilising such scanarios as a heart-broken girl who goes on a dating show and finds her hated ex among the competitors.”
THE GUARDIAN ARTICLE (in full) — Click Here!!
Want to know what he’s talking about? Check out the Reality TV Romance series on Amazon, Nook, and iTunes!!
1 ping
Eileen says:
April 21, 2014 at 5:41 am (UTC -5 )
That is so cool! I’m so happy for your news.