Hi all,
It’s been a crazy busy summer, but things are starting to settle down. School is almost back in session and I’m beginning to get a little more work down again. One of the first things I’ve been trying to take care of is getting the Meadow Ridge Romance series back online. But before I can do that, the books needed to be reformatted and have new cover art made. Good news! The cover art is underway and the formatting on my end is almost complete. Then the books have to go off to the professional formatter to make them beautiful and ready to upload. I’m getting closer and closer to having them back! And I can’t wait to see the new covers and share them with all of you! Soon…
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Eileen says:
September 5, 2013 at 10:04 am (UTC -4 )
I am curious to see the new covers as well. I like the covers right now. They are very pretty and soft. I am a ‘cover’ girl and it needs to catch my eyes first before I pick it up or click on it.
Heather says:
September 5, 2013 at 10:13 am (UTC -4 )
Hi Eileen! I’m super curious to see what the cover artist will do with the stock photos I provided. I’m hoping they turn out how I see them in my head. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on them too! I know I shouldn’t, but I often choose a book by its cover. I can’t help it! It has to catch my eye, and if it doesn’t, then I’m less likely to pick it up and read the blurb.