


Falling for You is a Bestseller!!


Thank you to all my awesome readers who made Falling for You an Amazon kindle Bestseller in just one day!!! This morning when I woke up, Falling for You was at #7 in the entire kindle store! I can’t even believe it! I’m amazed and shocked and completely blown away by how many of you decided to grab a copy yesterday, tell your friends and family, and give my story shout outs online. I can’t say thank you enough. You all make me feel very loved!


About the author


3 pings

  1. Shoshanna Evers (@ShoshannaEvers) says:

    Congrats, Heather! Falling for You is a fabulous book!

  2. Eileen says:

    I can believe it. Congrats Heather!

  3. Heather says:

    Thank you, ladies!

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