


Tell Me What YOU Want

That sounds dirtier written out than it did in my head. LOL.

April was the month I posted something everyday to correspond with a letter of the alphabet. May… I think I’ve posted 3 times, including this one. Neither is good. I have to find some kind of balance and I seem to do better when I have a schedule. But to have a schedule, I need to know what YOU, my faithful followers, want to come here to read about.

Once upon a time I had an Ask an Author feature where I would ask different authors questions. Usually a couple of book related ones, and then a couple of general personality style questions. I even had it opened up for readers to send in their questions for authors, though no one ever took me up on the offer. Another feature I’ve had in the past was Friday Favorites where guest answer a dozen questions about their favorite things. Both features are light reading and meant to be entertaining. Do either of those things sound good enough to you that I should revive them?

What other kinds of things do you like to read on blogs? Do you want to chat life stuff? Recipes? TV shows? I love chatting hero hotties, but I don’t like to post those kinds of pics on my blog, so that’s not an option. What about survival/preparedness skills since it does tie into one of my books? Character interviews? Behind-the-scenes book talk? Deleted scenes? Guest author’s articles? What I’m reading this week?

So tell me what will bring you back to visit with me!


About the author


2 pings

  1. edor628@mail.com says:

    what I find interesting on author’s blogs that I subscribe to is there day to day life. doesn’t have to be about their books but what family might be doing. it could even be about their pets. it also could be about the romance industry world in how much it is changing with new genres emerging and more and more of them going self-pub. Whatever may be interesting to you especially if you are doing more than writing. do you live somewhere where you have great nature views? sometimes a picture is enough for me.

    1. Heather says:

      Great suggestions! Thank you. I’m definitely going to start adding more pictures because we do live in a beautiful, lush area. I think the biggest trick for me is finding the right balance of day-to-day family life mixed with writer’s life. Too much of either isn’t good.

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