Do you set goals? I never really was a goal setter until I started writing and I needed a plan. I had to make sure I was clear on what I wanted to achieve so that I didn’t get sidelined by other little things along the way. So I started setting goals for myself. Some were big (Get published!) and other were small (finish writing the book). And I did both short term goals and long term goals. The first year I set these goals worked so well that I did it again the next year and the next. Now each year I go into, I think about my career, where it is currently and where I want it to be. Then I set the goals I think will help me achieve those things.
This year I set a major goal and I’ve already hit it and it’s only April! I can’t share with you just yet what it is, but my announcement is coming soon! Now I’ll have to set a new goal for the second half of the year!
Do you set goals for your career or just life in general?
2 pings
Eileen says:
April 29, 2013 at 5:25 am (UTC -5 )
I do set goals for my career and my life in general. I’m a HUGE goal oriented person. My husband tells me when I have no goal to go after I flounder and get on his nerves. LOL The older I get the harder it is with LONG range goals. I needed to shorten them and make them more realistic and attainable and not hard to accomplish. It must have rubbed off on two of my 4 kids because they are highly motivated when they have goals to reached. I saw it in their swimming careers. Not to say that the other two aren’t its just that they are not as intense as the other two. It’s cool to see them grow up that way.
Sandy Campbell says:
April 30, 2013 at 1:18 am (UTC -5 )
Life in general at this point, but from what I read from other writers, you must set aside time for your writing, and work on it consistently if that is possible. Sometimes life, gets in the way and we must adjust our schedules. Right now, it is too much not the right time for me….I have bits and pieces but need to get it together! Congrats on your schedules!!