


Six Sentence Sunday 11/27

Happy Sunday to all! Check out the other awesome authors playing this week by CLICKING HERE!

Today I give you more from BUNNY HILLS AND BIKINIS. This is the start of the steamy hot tub scene…one of my favorite parts of the book!



Just as his thoughts wandered into new territory, exploring every inch of her with his mind, her fingertips caressed his thigh under the water. Her touch instantly brought him out of his own thoughts and into the moment. Her fingers playing on his flesh was unexpected but so welcomed. Without thinking, he bent his head down, kissing the side of her neck. He inhaled her scent, a mixture of flowers and something else that reminded him of fresh pastriesโ€”vanilla maybe. He found the scent even more intoxicating than her bikini.





If you want to read the rest of this hot tub scene, check out the links below!




About the author


34 pings

  1. Heather Boyd says:

    Great six! Left me wanting more.

  2. Cara Michaels says:

    A pretty woman in a bikini… in a hot tub… touching him under the water. I can see how he lost his train of thought. Lol. Nice 6, Heather.

  3. jayel kaye says:

    Hot tubs and lots of touching….can lead to wonderfulness. NIce 6

  4. Kerrianne Coombes says:

    sexy xx

  5. Alix says:

    exploring every inch of her …loving this snippet. Great work.

  6. Lisa Fox says:

    This sounds like the beginning of something very fun!

  7. Dee Carney says:

    Love how just her touch yanks him back into the moment!

  8. Stephanie Adkins says:

    Great six, Heather! I love vanilla. *wink* Have a wonderful week!

  9. Carrie Ann Ryan says:

    Oh my. This is totally on my TBR. How exciting! And Hot!

  10. charmaine gordon says:

    Vanilla does it for me, too. Yum six, Heather Good writing

  11. Stacey Kennedy says:

    Ooo…delicious! Love the cover Heather! Awesome six!

  12. Liz Matis says:

    Had me sighing…… Nicely done..

  13. Aimee Laine says:

    A scent more intoxicating than her bikini. Mmmm…. ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. Taryn Kincaid says:

    Sounds like quite the vacation!

  15. K.E. Saxon says:

    Definitely my kind of guy! Sounds like the start of something truly brow-lifting!

  16. Veronica Scott says:

    Love the vanilla…the hot tub sounds REALLY appealing…this is a great excerpt, enjoyed it!

  17. Zee Monodee says:

    Loved your six, very evocative ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. July Hunter says:

    Great six, vanilla is a super scent, brings back all kinds of memories…wonderful memories. And hot tubs are my favorite place. Nice job.

  19. Lex Valentine says:

    They are such a cute couple.

  20. Xandra James says:

    Great Six!

  21. Hailey Edwards says:

    Sounds like he was about to miss the good stuff while daydreaming. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  22. Ruthie Knox says:

    Fun six!

  23. Tmonique Stephens says:

    Nice snippet. I love the cover too. I have to check it out!

  24. Sondrae Bennett says:

    Great six, and great cover! I’m anxious to hear more about this story. I think I’ll check out that longer scene below. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for sharing.

  25. Janet Lane Walters says:

    Nice sentences and a good lead in to a love scene.

  26. Sandra Sookoo says:

    Mmm, I like where this is going ๐Ÿ™‚

  27. ChristineWarner says:

    Powerful six…love the build up. Definitely would like to read more!

  28. Gayle Ramage says:

    Love this! Very sexy!

  29. Sarah Grimm says:

    What a fun six! And the cover is great!

  30. Carrie-Anne says:

    Very nice six.

  31. dianne hartsock says:

    She smells like pastries? Sounds delicious! And hot tubs can be fun. Can I come over? ๐Ÿ™‚

  32. Laura Kaye says:

    Awesome six!

  33. Jennifer Wilck says:

    Very sexy. I can’t wait to read more.

  34. Layna PImentel says:

    Very sexy! Can’t wait to read this one. ๐Ÿ™‚

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