LOVE AND LATTES has been out for about 7 weeks now and it’s just starting to get reviewed by actual review sites!! The first one I’ve seen is from Coffee Time Romance. SQUEE!!! I’m so excited. Here’s what the review had to say…
“Both Chase and Julia warmed my heart from their first meeting to the end of the book. They were both characters that were easily likeable, and I immediately wanted them to be together, even as they worked through finding a solution to their situation. Their intimate scenes are sweet and sensual and fit their personalities perfectly. I was pleased by the addition of Julia’s friend Tali. I hope we get to read her story soon. Love and Lattes is a sweet story and a great way to spend an afternoon.”
Did I SQUEE yet?
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Shoshanna Evers says:
October 28, 2011 at 8:48 pm (UTC -5 )
Congrats on a fabulous review! I’m sure it will be the first of many! 🙂