


Six Sentence Sunday 9/18

Welcome back to anther fantastic Sunday! Be sure to check out all the other awesome writers participating this week by clicking HERE!

This week you’re getting a little more from LOVE AND LATTES. Chase is getting increasingly frustrated with his Julia situation.

Chase wove his way through the rows of books and ducked into the self-help room on his way to new releases. He kicked a book lying in the middle of the aisle and bent to pick it up before flipping the book cover side up in his hands. Banging in the Backroom: Tales of Workplace Romance Gone wrong. Oh, hell. Even the merchandise was on his case.

Time to move on to the next girl, like always.



About the author


32 pings

  1. Liz says:

    Nice six. The title of the book he kick is so funny!

  2. Laura Kaye says:

    Ha! Loved his reaction to the book on the floor!

  3. Lisa Fox says:

    ‘Banging in the Backroom’? Ha! That’s awesome. I’d read that book.

  4. Alix says:

    wonderful six, weaved with humour beautifully.

  5. Sandra Bunino says:

    Sensational six, heather! Love the last line.

  6. Taryn Kincaid says:

    “even the merchandise was on his case” — great line

  7. Cara McKenna says:

    Well characterized! I feel like I already have a great grasp on his outlook and sense of humor just from these few lines. Nice six!

  8. Cara Michaels says:

    Hahaha… Banging in the Backroom. That’s fantastic. Great 6, Heather!

  9. Cara Bristol says:

    Funny. Love the title of the book.

  10. annecarver says:

    LOL. Sounds like a real fun read. Nice 6. πŸ™‚

  11. Sarah Grimm says:

    Love the book title! Where can I get a copy?

    Great six!

  12. Sandra Sookoo says:

    lol loved the snippet! I’ll have to buy your book πŸ™‚

  13. Lorien Velez says:

    Great book title! It definitely caught my attention. πŸ˜‰

  14. Stephanie Haefner says:

    Oooh…sounds interesting!!!! Adding it to my TBR list!!

    1. Stephanie Haefner says:

      And I love the cover!

  15. Zee Monodee says:

    Poor guy! Loved the title of that book πŸ™‚

  16. Eleri Stone says:

    Ha! That’s awesome. Did someone leave it there on purpose?

  17. Dee Carney says:

    LMAO! That’s too too funny!

  18. Carrie Ann Ryan says:

    Best title ever. Oh, I like it! Great six! I want more. πŸ™‚

  19. Cherie Marks says:

    Ha-ha! The merchandise on his case. That’s a great line. Great six!

  20. dianne hartsock says:

    Guilty conscious? Sounds like a fun read!

  21. Gem Sivad says:

    Good to see a male ego twisting in the wind. πŸ˜€ Or is it self-doubt for having “moved on” ?

  22. Aimee Laine says:

    Gotta love when the inanimate objects get in on the fun. πŸ™‚

  23. Melissa MacKinnon says:

    I love this! The title of the book is so amusing. karma, man! Even books have it.

  24. Jessica Subject says:

    Ah, poor Chase. Love the title of the book! A great six!

  25. Suzie Quint says:

    The universe does have a way of pointing out one’s screw ups. LOL.

  26. lexcade says:

    I really am laughing out loud. That book title and his response are fantastic!

  27. Stacey Kennedy says:

    Oh, I’m so getting this! I just have to get my e-reader to be less full! LOL! Awesome snippet! I LOVE humor!!!

  28. 1000th.monkey says:

    “Banging in the backroom’… now that is a hilarious title πŸ™‚

  29. Sarah Ballance says:

    LOL! Love the idea that “even the merchandise was on his case.” So well put together – I love it!

  30. J.A. Beard says:

    Banging in the Backroom? Definitely funny. πŸ™‚

  31. Dee says:

    Lol! This sounds really funny! Great title!

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